November 6, 2023
Artificial intelligence can be a game-changer in keeping your connections and content real.
The need for connection is at the core of being human; connecting to others in meaningful, thoughtful ways is what drives us. As a health care communicator, I’ve had a front-row seat to our industry’s debate over the impact of artificial intelligence, especially as it has entered the mainstream.
There’s been a lot of concern over whether the widespread adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) will result in machine-generated content that compromises human connection, making our interactions less powerful, less emotional, and less real. If used appropriately, however, AI can have the opposite effect. AI has the potential to power human-to-human connections, giving us time and space to soar in original, creative, and authentic ways.
How can AI be a game-changer in keeping your connections and content real?
Read the full article here in Fast Company.