J&J Creates a New Kind of Commitment to Nursing

In 2002 a crisis loomed – by 2020, there was to be a projected shortage of 500,000 nurses in the U.S. By launching its Campaign for Nursing as part of its corporate equity and partnerships division, Johnson & Johnson (J&J) began to advocate for the nursing profession and inspire others to pursue a career in the field. We have partnered with J&J since 2005 to develop its social presence and raise awareness of this unique initiative’s scholarships, partnerships and online resources. Our team developed and now manages six online channels, including: external, twice monthly e-digest and podcast series to provide relevant nursing news and nurse features; Facebook page and Twitter handle (updated and monitored multiple times per day) to allow for engagement with nurses; Pinterest page which is updated on a twice-monthly basis for nurse followers; and a YouTube channel with relevant nurse videos. Through these efforts, J&J’s support led to the growth of the nursing profession by more than a million nurses, with projected growth of another million by 2030, making nursing one of the fastest-growing professions in the country.

Johnson & Johnson is celebrating nursing innovation that is changing human health

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